Committed to People, Committed to the Future.

Company Introduction

Repair and Maintenance was first incorporated as a subsidiary of DescriptionChina Yangtze Power Co., Ltd., known as Yangtze Power, a Chinese utilities company, headquartered in Beijing. The company is managed independently as a business organization within the corporate structure of the massive PYCO group, Pakistan’s premier power utility organization. While it shares and contributes to the group’s core vision, values, culture and significant financial resources, PYCO electric nonetheless remains steadfast in the realization of its own corporate destiny. As a power utility repair and maintenance organization, PYco electric is managed on quality response to its own business environment comprising the specialized needs of its growing list of clients and customers. This has entailed strategic investment in technology and human capital development, powered on a strong commitment to deliver quality performance in its quest for excellence.

We are operating several plants in Pakistan;
